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contact to Prinz

Carl Prinz GmbH & Co. KG
Jakobstr. 8
47574 Goch
Phone: +49 (0) 28 23 / 97 03-0
Fax +49 (0) 28 23 / 97 03-99

E-mail: service@carlprinz.de
Website: www.carlprinz.de


Prinz brand profile systems

Prinz products stand for "Strong connection”. When renovating or fitting out a floor area for the first time, the chosen coverings, the design concept and the appearance of the surfaces naturally play an important role. But in order to achieve a successful end result, final detailed work is required. Floor profiles from Prinz, located in Goch, Lower Rhine, can achieve this excellently. Whether for transitions, steps, landings or expansion joints: Prinz offers its entire product range in line with its typical quality standards and a long-standing family tradition. Practice-oriented variants and various materials are available. Profiles from Prinz are the icing on the cake.

The latest products from Prinz